Hard work needs hard free time activities, so after a hard week of studying I decided to dedicate the weekend to partying. On Friday two Swedish girls were celebrating their birthday, so first we I had dinner and some soju with them. It was mostly Scandinavians there so people decided to head to an ice bar. I however met with some Korean friends to hang out in Hongik University area, which is full of bars and clubs and especially one specific friday a month is the offial party day.

First we visited a club full of American soldiers and Korean girls, but for some reason didn’t stay there long. Then we changed to another bar and just sat there having fun until 4AM. I planned to rest for the Saturday, but my other Korean friend had a better idea. She was going to another MT and over spoke me to join. The last MT was full of exchange students, but this time we were only two non-Asians there. The main language spoken was Korean and the party style was Korean, too. We played a lot of weird games again – in Korean of course - and ate some Korean food.

Compared to the previous MT, this one was not as wild, if you don’t count the fact that the Swedish guy totally ruined Sweden’s reputation (and I got all the credits for Finland of course…).
In the pictures: birthday party, Korean friends and the area close to our university.
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