How much culture can a person take in one week? I tried it out and ended up to three performing arts shows. Well, the first wasn’t really art but my mentor brought me to see a b-boy show to increase my hiphop credibility. Actually I expected there to be the whole Seoul hiphop posse, but surprisingly the room was full of girls who came to see the b-boys. Then, on Tuesday I went to see cirque du soleil which was just awesome! I don’t have to explain it in detail – u all know it – but to put in one sentence it was like artistic circus made for adults. Music, visuals etc… Then, like that was not enough culture, on Friday we went to a show called Korean dance meets Finnish music. It was about postmodern dance which was actually really good.

They did really weird things and it was different from other classical dance performances. The music part however.. well I never knew such music exist in Finland! Only one time I heard Fnnish language and the rest was something else (like French one time!)…
In the picture my mentor MiSun in green and two Japanese.
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