Sunday, March 11, 2007

Suburban life

Moving from one place to another is easy with bus or subway, but it takes a lot of time. I live in a suburb outside of city area, so it takes one and a half hours for me to get to the university, making it three hours a day for just commuting. Well, I got used to it quite fast and because Seoul is really hectic, busy and crowded, it’s nice to live in a quiet area. If you have seen pictures from Tokyo’s subway with staff pushing people in, it’s just like that here. The subway’s really crowded during rush hour, so if you wanna get in, you just have to push and squeeze.

Basically, here is nothing but apartments and a few convenient stores, so for food shopping you must drive to a supermarket and for clothes go to the city. We have a small hill on the back yard where people go hiking and then there’s a field area with also three cows on it. If you want any activities besides walking you have to leave the suburb, but in the other hand it’s nice quiet and empty. In the picture is our apartment.

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