Saturday, February 24, 2007

Double trouble: Try to get a phone here

Could you imagine that getting one cell phone would take you 8 hours? Well, so didn’t I, but in Seoul that’s normal for a foreigner. First of all, foreigners aren’t actually allowed to get an operator contract here, but you also cannot get a prepaid sim, because they don’t have sim cards over here. So what we did was to go and buy a phone first. I got a pretty ok one, but when I was signing the contract they said this phone could not use that specific operator. So heading to another part of Seoul to find a shop where I could get a different contract. It was easy to find the shops, but 3 of them refused to let me sign a contract because I was a foreigner. The fourth place finally accepted me as a customer but after 1,5 hours of trying, calling the customer service like 10 times and trying to explain technology for me in Korean the said that this phone wasn’t good for the contract. I should buy a new one. However the manager was “nice” and agreed to change my new phone to an old crappy version where their contract would work. Well I really didn’t have a choice and agreed. (I tried to leave the shop already but they had my 30000W and kept saying stop so I stayed.) They really didn’t speak any English, so after several phone calls to the customer service I found out that my phone number would start working tomorrow. Great! But my fortune didn’t last long as I noticed at home that my brand new charger didn’t work with the phone they gave. So I was still forced to buy a new charger… Oh well, the phone’s still deaf, but I’m crossing my fingers that it’ll start working soon… And when it does I’ll give my number so I can finally have contact with the outer world…

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