Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Small weird things

There are a lot of small weird things in Korea that never stop amazing me. Here are a few examples that pop into my mind right now:
Coloured dogs: Having dog as a pet instead of a meal is nowadays more common. A small white poodle is a must, but like it would be not enough to dress it up in cute outfits the trend is to colour them! You can see poodles in all rainbow colours and the hip style is to colour the ears and tail leaving the rest of the body white. (The dog in the picture was owned by an at least 85-year-old lady.)
Toilet culture: Many of Korean toilets don’t have locks on the doors, so a common custom is to knock on the door before entering. If it’s occupied you should knock back. Also in toilets with locks it’s polite to knock first. What shocked me too is the amount of floor toilets: many places still have a hole on the floor instead of sitting model. The ladies room is also equipped with places for make upping because otherwise no one would be able to reach the sinks. The girls put makeup on constantly!
Tooth brushing: Koreans brush their teeth all the time. When you enter the bathroom someone’s always doing it, and it’s not strange to do it even in the hallways of school. Because of social pressure, I feel obliged to brush my teeth after every meal, too, and always carry a travel size toothbrush and paste with me.
Masks: Koreans are really into fashion, but they have a habit of wearing surgical masks when walking on the streets. There are a few reasons. First of all, Seoul is really polluted and there is yellow dust coming from China every now and then. You can’t really ever see the sky because there’s always a pollution cloud over the city, but during yellow sand it gets even worse. Another reason I hear sometimes is that the people are sick and don’t want to infect other people. That’s something I can’t really understand because they still eat from same portions and share the drinks..
Strange combinations in food: I never imagined having cabbage or potato pizza (picture) before coming to Korea. I also didn’t expect finding rice in hamburgers. And furthermore, seeing a toilet paper roll in restaurant table and using scissors instead of a knife when eating never stops amazing me. (I never realized that there are actually people who have no idea how to use knife and fork..)
Incredibly expensive cafeterias: Having dinner in Seoul is pretty cheap but going to the cafeterias is so expensive. It’s normal to pay 5 dollars for a coffee, but I just had a tiny cup of tea that cost 9 dollars!! I also went to a waffle café and ended up paying 26 bucks for a waffle!!
Living home: Everybody here lives at home as long as they are not married. You meet men in their middle 30s still happily enjoying the time living with their parents. The consequence is that you also often see parked cars shaking all around as soon as it gets dark, hahaha.
Boys carrying handbags: A common habit here is that the guys carry girls stuff whenever they walk on the street, so you see men carrying handbags all around. Even when I walk with my male friends they insist to carry my handbag because it’s too heavy.


Anonymous said...

toi kassinkantojuttu kyllä varmaan semisti sopii sulle, ku sun lihakset on niin kipeet siit tikanheitosta;) hehee... mä en vaan ikin ä pääse yli;) ..turha toivo;D

Johanna said...

Mut niillä on omatkin kassit kannettavanaan, luulis sen riittävän... ;D

Anonymous said...

siis mä vaan hajoilen täällä, toi saksijuttu oli mun ehdoton lemppari!! toisaalta olishan se tosi kätevää leikata pihvi saksilla...:)