Sunday, May 27, 2007

Cooking festival and AKARAKA

Last week AKARAKA, the biggest festival during the spring semester, was finally there. The whole week is full of action starting with international cooking festival on Monday. I was the only Finnish member in the Finland team and planning of the menu was somewhat challenging, as we had to find the ingredients in Korea and there was no oven etc. The Koreans in my group were so excited to make green jelly that I had a hard time refusing. I tried to explain that jelly is absolutely not traditional Finnish food, but it didn’t sound convincing to them. Moreover, they wanted to have a green food as it’s our national colour. (Why? Because Xylitol is green!) In the end we decided to make meatballs, mashed potatoes and blueberry milkshake which ended up being a success. The food tasted just like home and we sold all the food we prepared.
Inspired by our success I also prepared another Finnish dish, macaroni box (lol, people, what is makaronilaatikko in English?!?!) for my host family and they even invited a friend family to enjoy my dinner. Having good manners they ate all the food, but I have a hard time believing it would be exactly fit to Korean taste. - Actually, they said it reminds the taste of omelette!
In the pictures you can see our cool Finland booth and a meal of meatballs with mashed potatoes having a Korean artistic touch. The cooking festival was followed by dadongge, two days of partying on the campus area. Various clubs were selling food and drinks and there were different kinds of performances and bands playing. However, all this was just warming up for AKARAKA, a huge festival held in the amphitheatre. The whole university area turned blue on Thursday getting ready to celebrate Yonsei. Over 8000 students gathered together to sing cheering songs and watch the front row Korean stars and bands performing exclusively for us. I have never seen people having so much passion for their university. It was like a religious event when thousands of people sing together how much they love Yonsei and they are blue soldiers for the best university for the rest of their lives. Here’s also a video, but it doesn’t really show the passion and is also of bad quality…


Anonymous said...

Hmm, makaronilaatikko voisi olla vaikka "pasta casserole" :-)


Anonymous said...

siis sä!! oot kokannu? tää menee mul jo ihan uskomattomien juttujen puolelle;)

Anonymous said...

Moon just töissä ja tää on ihan kätsyy kun kassa on tietokone, ni voi mesee ja lukee netist vaikka päivän lehdet ku ei oo asiakkaita. mut mikäs tässä ollessa, vähän boree toisinaan, mut kyl se siit..

Johanna said...

Shasta älä vielä innostu. Kokkasin myös yhelle kaverille sen kotona, ja se sano ettei oo eläessään nähny yhtä toivotonta tapausta, että se siitäkin sitte joo... :( Paitsi et perhe söi makaronilaatikon ihan hyvällä ruokahalulla!